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Excision of Lumps
Indication is as following:
- Skin nodule
- Epidermal cyst
- Skin mole
- Skin tag
- Common small lump such as: sebaceous cyst, fibroma, lipoma, mass, naevus and warts etc.
Exclusion of Lumps: The Procedure & Preparation
Before the Operation / Procedure
- General, local or other anesthesia may be required for the purpose of the operation.
- A written consent is required.
- You should inform your doctor all your current medication, including anti-coagulant or Chinese herbs which may decrease the risk of bleeding when stop before operation.
- The number of operation depends on the condition of wound scar and the
desired improvement.
- Photos will be taken before and after treatment to monitor progress.
- There is no guarantee of any scar formation or degree of improvement after the treatment.
- Recurrence may occur. Repeated operations or treatment may be needed if necessary.
After the Operation / Procedure
- Atrophic scar, hypertrophic scar, hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation may appear in the wound site or the treated area. The discoloration may last 1 – 3 months or longer.
- Keep the dressing intact and keep the wound clean and dry.
- May need pain killer according to doctor’s prescription.
- Consult doctor if excessive bleeding, severe pain or get worse.
- Follow up for stitches removal if necessary.
Risk and Complication
- Scaring and pigmentation change may be occurred in different skin condition.
- Exposure to ultraviolet light may increase darkening of the scar. Do not take sun-bathe or use sun bed and wound area avoid exposure in the midday sun.
- Redness, swelling, tenderness and purulent discharge may occur in wound area.
- Bleeding, fever or wound disruption may occur rarely.
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Excision of Lump
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