
Macular Degeneration Treatment

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What is Macular Degeneration?

The retina of the eye is like the film in a camera. It captures light from images and sends these image signals to the brain. Structurally, the retina is similar to brain tissue, meaning it cannot repair itself or be transplanted.. Structurally, the retina is similar to brain tissue, meaning it cannot repair itself or be transplanted.


"Macular degeneration is a condition that causes the central part of the retina, known as the macula, to deteriorate. This results in damage to the light-sensitive cells in the macula that are crucial for clear central vision. The macula is located in the very center of the retina and is the area with the highest concentration of these cells. Macular degeneration, along with cataracts and glaucoma, is one of the top three eye diseases causing blindness globally. In Hong Kong, about 80% of vision loss cases are caused by these three diseases. As the population ages, the number of people with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is increasing. In many countries, AMD has even become the leading cause of blindness in people over 55. All forms of macular degeneration need to be treated as early as possible to prevent serious consequences."

The Cause of Macular Degeneration
The Symptoms of Macular Degeneration

Early symptoms of macular degeneration can include blurred vision and straight lines appearing wavy. Objects may appear to change in shape or size; patients may become sensitive to light, or see light, shapes, or colors that aren't there.


If the condition only affects one eye, early macular degeneration can be harder to detect. This is because the unaffected "good" eye can compensate for vision loss in the other eye, so patients may not notice any changes. In later stages, patients may notice a black or blind spot appearing in the center of their field of vision, which may gradually increase in size.

If you suspect that you have macular degeneration, you should seek professional medical examination as soon as possible. An ophthalmologist will test the vision in both of your eyes, check your eye pressure, and perform a dilated eye examination. During the dilated eye examination, eye drops will be applied to widen your pupils, and the doctor will use a special lens to examine the retina and macula. The doctor will also use an Amsler grid to test the function of your macula.


The doctor can also determine the type of macular degeneration you have and decide on the most appropriate treatment method by performing tests such as a fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA and ICG) and optical coherence tomography (OCT).


Nowadays, with a better understanding of macular diseases and the help of advanced equipment, many previously incurable macular diseases can now be successfully treated with surgery, allowing patients to regain their precious central vision.

The Treatment of Macular Degeneration
  • Macular Hole

A macular hole refers to a loss of visual nerve tissue in the central depression of the macula, often caused by aging or high myopia. The treatment is vitrectomy, removal of the premacular vitreous and internal limiting membrane, and gas injection. Most patients do not need to maintain a prone position post-operation and the success rate is over 90%.


  • Macular Pucker

Macular pucker, or premacular fibrosis, is a common eye disease in Hong Kong. The treatment involves vitrectomy and removal of the pre-macular and internal limiting membranes, effectively improving the patient's vision. Most patients do not need to maintain a prone position post-operation and the success rate is over 90%.


  • Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

In the past, Photodynamic therapy was primarily used to treat this disease, usually only to maintain the deteriorated vision or prevent further vision loss. Currently, most doctors perform intraocular drug injections (anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, Anti-VEGF), the benefit of which is that most patients can recover a certain degree of impaired vision. Moreover, the injection process is safe with very few side effects.

Anti-VEGF can prevent the growth of new blood vessels and reduce vascular leakage and bleeding.

Clinical studies have shown that Anti-VEGF injection treatment can effectively preserve existing vision and slow vision loss for patients with age-related macular degeneration and choroidal neovascularization due to high myopia. Recent medical research has found that Anti-VEGF injections can also effectively treat some vascular diseases, such as diabetic macular edema and vein occlusion-induced macular edema.


  • Diabetic Eye Disease and Diabetic Macular Edema

Diabetic retinopathy comes in three forms, all of which are common causes of blindness: non-proliferative, proliferative, and macular edema.


Treatment methods:

  • Control the condition of diabetes
  • Retinal laser therapy
  • Maintain a balanced diet
  • Vitrectomy
  • Injections - Anti-vascular endothelial growth factor (Anti-VEGF)
  • Regular eye check-ups as recommended by your ophthalmologist

Preparation before treatment

  • Your doctor will arrange a series of pre-treatment examinations for you, which may include fundus fluorescein imaging, optical tomography scan, and fundus photograph recording.
  • You should keep your eyelids clean and hygienic to avoid eye infections. Avoid eye makeup on the day of treatment.
  • If you have other diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, or long-term use of traditional Chinese medicine, patent medicine, or need to take anticoagulants or thin blood pills, please inform the doctor as soon as possible.
Precautions after treatment

Precautions after treatment

  • Do not rub your eyes, and do not swim or do strenuous exercise for one week after treatment.
  • If the doctor prescribes eye drops for you, please instill eye drops according to the instructions on time.
  • Response to this treatment varies. Research indicates that vision improvement or stabilization may take several injections to appear. Although some patients' vision improved or their condition stabilized after injection, some patients' condition could not be controlled and continued to deteriorate.
  • In general, patients need to receive more than one vitreous injection. The number and frequency of injections will vary from patient to patient. Your doctor will work with you to develop a treatment plan for your condition.

Risks or possible complications

During treatment, you may or may not have any of the following side effects, and some unknown problems or side effects may occur. Many side effects disappear within a short time after treatment is stopped, but in some cases the side effects are more severe and last for a while or do not go away. If you experience any of the following side effects, you will be treated appropriately and we may advise you to discontinue the injection.

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Macular Degeneration Treatment
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